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Hold Me Tight
[ 2007-8-28 1:35:00 | By: Sansan ]

Hold Me Tight



*专辑With the Beatles中B面第二首歌。


*1961至1963年间,他们经常演唱会中表演这首歌。奇怪的是,这首歌最初的录制却不成功。他们在录制专辑Please Please Me的时候浪费了很多时间录了13遍,仍然不能满意,于是暂时把它搁在一旁,制作With the Beatles时才又把它拿出来,这次倒没有浪费太多时间。

*但是录制得似乎很不认真,最明显的就是第一句"It feels so right now",John唱的是"...right so"。当然,也许他们只是在尝试这种唱法,但听上去还是有些奇怪。


*主题和同期创作的"Please Please Me"类似,都是男孩在恳求女孩明确表达爱情。不过相同的主题更明显地体现出John和Paul的不同之处。Hold Me Tight只涉及现在和未来,而Please Please Me还提到了过去。前者更充满自信,并未提及女孩的感情或行为,而后者隐隐含有对女孩的责备。

*如果John的确参与了这首歌的创作,也许是那句"It's you - oo-oo - oo-oo",因为印象中似乎John更喜欢这种花腔。

It feels alright now
Hold me tight
Tell me I'm the only one
And then I might
Never be the lonely one

So hold me tight
tonight, tonight
it's you,
you, you ,you, oo

Hold me tight
Let me go on loving you
Tonight, tonight
Making love to only you

So hold me tight
tonight, tonight
it's you,
you, you ,you, oo

Don't know what it means to hold you tight
Being here alone tonight with you

It feels alright now
Hold me tight
Tell me I'm the only one
And then I might
Never be the lonely one

So hold me tight
tonight, tonight
it's you,
you, you ,you, oo

Hold me tight
Let me go on loving you
Tonight, tonight
Making love to only you

So hold me tight
tonight, tonight
it's you,
you, you ,you, oo
you, oo

With The Beatles (CD)
With The Beatles (UK)
Meet The Beatles (US)

Lead Singer: Paul

Recording: 2/11/63, 9/12/63
Mixing: 9/30/63, 10/29/63
Length: 2:28
Take: 36 and 29

What Goes On? Anomalies
Throughout * NEW *
Squeaky bass pedal on Ringo's kit, best heard at 0:59-1:12, 1:39-1:50, (use left channel of stereo if you have it)
0:03 and 1:11
John sings " ... right, so", and yet
Paul sings " ... right, now"
0:38 * NEW *
Phrasing of "To--night" and "Tonight" varies between singers
1:27 * NEW *
John and George's echo of "hold" is disasterous, sounds like George scooped into John's note.
2:00 * NEW *
John comes in late with backing vocal, and there's some faint speech
2:21 * NEW *
Sudden change in volume on right channel of stereo only.
