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Not a Second Time
[ 2007-8-28 1:30:00 | By: Sansan ]

Not a Second Time



*专辑With the Beatles中B面第六首歌。

*John的作品。Paul说是受到Smokey Robinson and the Miracles的影响。



*这一句给《泰晤士报》的乐评人William Mann印象深刻,使他感叹这首歌的“爱奥利亚终止式(Aeolian Cadence)非常自然”。我不是学音乐的人,不知道这是什么意思。但根据工具书的解释,“爱奥利亚调式”通常是用在哀歌中的。

*John后来在接受采访的时候说,这个词听起来像一只热带鸟。John Lennon当然不知道爱奥利亚调式这种专业术语,但这不等于他不明白什么样的音乐会有什么样的效果。他并不是没有受过音乐教育,只不过他的老师是无数摇滚唱片而已。William Mann的文章标志着音乐批评家开始严肃对待摇滚/流行音乐,具有重要的意义。他的文章针对的读者并不是甲克虫这样的作曲者,John是否理解他的意思其实无关紧要。

*另一件很奇怪的事是,似乎很多人相信,Paul的贝司和George的吉他都没有在歌中出现,换句话说,里面只有John和Ringo这两只甲克虫,加上George Martin的钢琴。不知道这种传言是怎么出现的。

*我很喜欢这首歌,那句“I see no use in wondering whyyyyy Iiii criiiiiied, for yoouuuuu”,这么长的花腔,在喜欢用花腔的John也属少见,很有意思。我觉得这是甲克虫早期作品中最被低估的作品之一。

You know you made me cry
I see no use in wondering why
I cry for you

And now you've changed your mind
I see no reason to change mine
I cry it's through, oh

You're giving me the same old line
I'm wondering why
You hurt me then
You're back again
No, no, no, not a second time
not a second time

You know you made me cry
I see no use in wondering why
I cry for you

And now you've changed your mind
I see no reason to change mine
I cry it's through, oh

You're giving me the same old line
I'm wondering why
You hurt me then
You're back again
No, no, no, not a second time
not a second time
Not the second time
no, no, no, no, no
no, no no

With The Beatles (CD)
With The Beatles (UK)
Meet The Beatles (US)

Lead Singer: John

Recording: 9/11/63
Mixing: 9/30/63, 10/29/63
Length: 2:01
Take: 9

What Goes On? Anomalies
0:44-0:45 * NEW *
Shouts in background (mono, also stereo, right channel)
1:05 * NEW *
Possible edit immediately after Ringo's fill
1:49 * NEW *
Ringo's bass pedal -- guess what -- squeaks.
1:53 * NEW *
Edit just as John starts "time"
John blows the double tracking by forgetting what he sang the first time round. The two parts don't connect properly
