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Money (That's What I Want)
[ 2007-8-28 1:28:00 | By: Sansan ]

Money (That's What I Want)



*专辑With the Beatles中B面第七首也就是最后一首歌。

*Barret Strong在1959年推出的歌曲,作者是Berry Gordy和Jenny Bradford。

*歌词可能是他们早期歌曲中最叛逆的:爱情之类的确不错,但我要的是钱!金钱的确买不到一切,但买不到的东西我也用不找。我要的就是钱!当年未成名时,Paul和George一起附和着John,宣称要达到“toppermost of the poppermost”,大概也在梦想着成名赚大钱吧。为了成名,他们放弃了皮夹克穿上体面的制服,但整齐的衣服下却仍是街头那几个少年充满欲望的心。


*歌曲接近结尾时John喊出了“I wanna be free!”??这是他们渴望金钱的原因。他们希望拥有金钱,靠它得到物质和精神上的自由。至于金钱的限制和名誉的重负,他们暂时还无法体会到。

*Barret Strong是一个黑人歌手,从他口中唱出来,歌词的辛辣和讽刺意味远远不及甲克虫的版本。

*选择这样一首疯狂的摇滚作为唱片的结尾很显然是为了重复Please Please Me中Twist and Shout的辉煌。而Money的表演也确实可以与Twist and Shout相比,让这张专辑同样以一声震响结束。(Not with a whimper but a bang)

*尽管按今天的标准歌曲的配乐显得相当温和,但伟大的摇滚歌手John Winston Lennon和伟大的甲克虫乐队那种充满激情的演唱,却是后人望尘莫及的。

*在With the Beatles发行时,甲克虫已横扫英国和欧洲大陆,但摇滚的发源地美国却仍是一片未被征服的处女地。不过,他们不需要再等很久了。

The best things in life are free
But you can keep them for the birds and bees
Now give me money
That's what I want
That's what I want, yeah
That's what I want

You're lovin' gives me a thrill
But you're lovin' don't pay my bills
Now give me money
That's what I want
That's what I want, yeah
That's what I want

Money don't get everything it's true
What it don't get, I can't use
Now give me money
That's what I want
That's what I want, yeah
That's what I want, wah

Money don't get everything it's true
What it don't get, I can't use
Now give me money
That's what I want
That's what I want, yeah
That's what I want

Well now give me money
Ow, money
Wow, yeah, I wanna be free
Oh I want money
That's what I want
That's what I want, well
Now give me money
ow, money
Wow, yeah, you need money
now, give me money
That's what I want, yeah
that's what I want, yeah

With The Beatles (CD)
Anthology 1 (CD)
With The Beatles (UK)
All My Loving (UK EP)
The Beatles' Second Album (US)

Lead Singer: John

Recording: 7/18/63, 7/30/63, 9/30/63
Mixing: 8/21/63, 10/29/63
Length: 2:45
Take: 6 and 7

What Goes On? Anomalies
0:00-0:02 * NEW *
In addition to the drum sticks, there is a soft sweeping sound, sounds a little like hihats, but a little too far off mic to be intentional
Lead "Crunchy" guitar edited in mid strum (mono only)
0:15 * NEW *
Soft thump as the guitar portion ends. On the mono CD this thump is quite clearly stereophonic!
0:18 * NEW *
Double tracking goes strange on "free"
1:31 * NEW *
Long scream, way off microphone.
1:37 * NEW *
ADT on vocals comes back in, sounding much different. Possibly re-done for the CD mix?
2:14,2:17 * NEW *
Stereo only, as mono makes it hard to hear, George Martin plays wrong piano chords here (right channel)
2:38 * NEW *
John hits a high note and his voice croaks badly
